WOD: "Nate"
Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings
4 Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups * Subbed Pullups
8 Clapping Push-Ups * Subbed Regular full ROM pushups
16 1.0-Pood(35#) Kettlebell swings
Round | Time | HR |
1 | 2:21 | 161 |
2 | 3:20 | 162 |
3 | 3:25 | 168 |
4 | 3:24 | 168 |
5 | 4:42 | 170 |
6 | 2:33 | 164 |
*The time for round 5 includes the pullups from round 6. And the time for round 6 is the pushups and KB swings only.
The KB swings, and not the pushups, were definitely the deal breaker in this workout (as I modified it). This is only the second time I've used the 35# KB for KB swings. The last time was here in Fight gone ... heavy? I only managed 6 then 4 then 4 swings in the three 1 minute rounds. And this was 16 reps.
All reps (that were counted) were above the eyes or better - many were fully overhead - and i think last time i really only managed eye level. My first round i actually managed to string the first 8 together. Most of the time it was sets of one or two. Although I actually got better at stringing reps together in my last couple rounds. And was able to get sets of between 4 and 6 when i managed to keep the curve in my lower back.
All pushups were full ROM - i actually accidentally did 9 pushups on one of the rounds. I probably should have made an effort at doing the clapping pushups. But I didn't think I would be able to keep them up throughout.
The jumping pullups were too easy. I needed to either be using a slightly lower box , or just doing 4 attempts at a kipping pullup (regardless of success) - which is what Max had one of the other Rebecca's in class doing.
That said though (I'm writing this late the next day) My shoulders are KILLING me. So I definitely worked hard - just not uniformly across each of the exercises.
One of my classmates remarked after class at how far I've come since i started. And it's true. I think that I've had a real break through, particularly in the last month or so - my strength seems to be shooting upwards, and I have to try to retain the perspective at how far I've come when I get frustrated at how much I still can't do.
1-2-3 Go!
uh... "3-2-1 GO!"
You're awesome, Rebecca. As for your table, I can't make heads or tails out of it. You are an accountant, aren't you? Hee hee. Go geek power!
1-2-3, 3-2-1 ... works out to the same thing :p
And thank you for the encouragement Evelyn :)
Oh - and the table was wrong because round 2 was in there twice ... somehow ... ooops!
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