Saturday, July 31, 2010 by Daniel

Teams and Tires

In two or three teams:

5 rounds:

each team flips 600# tire for one minute (details tbd)
team with most flips does 2 burpees x lowest flip score x number of team members
team with least flips does 2 burpees x highest flip score x number of team members
if third team, middle team does 2 burpees x middle flip score x number of team members

Up to two people may flip at once.
Each team member must participate in at least one flip.

As soon as last person finishes burpees, round winner starts tire flips.

Winner is team that does the least burpees per team member.

Uh... I think we did 136 burpees on average, per team member.

Our team was 6, consisting of Me, Rebecca, Joe D, Shaul, Faye, and Shaul's friend Mike who had never CrossFitted before.

The first three rounds, we consistently lost by 1 flip to the other team. Maddeningly, Shaul's friend Mike either got tired or just decided he didn't like burpees, so the rest of us had to take his share. I think we did that with much grace, considering.

In the fourth round, following Max's advice, we stopped our strategy of one-pair-per-flip, and after the other four got two flips out of the way, Joe and I just flipped like crazy. Joe did most of the work, I'm ashamed to say, but we did at least manage to win that round. The final round was a tie, which means that our team lost overall, but it was pretty close, all things considering.

A fun workout, but poor form on the tire flips left my back feeling somewhat tender for a couple days.

Friday, July 30, 2010 by Daniel

New ways to die with a rope

Can't make it to class tonight, so went up to the Clark Kerr track with a jumprope for some fun.

Death by Double Under: 27 rounds rx

Then, figuring that since I was at a track I should do some running, I came up with this little gem:

Death March by Double-under

In the first minute, perform 1 double-under, and then run for the remainder of the minute. In the second minute, perform 2 double-unders and then run. Continue until unable to complete the required number of double-unders in time. Score is (round of double-unders) + (number of meters/100).

Score: 52rx (25du + 27m)

Definitely a keeper, and easily transferable to other movements (push-ups, squats, KB swings, etc.) The last lap was a very CrossFit exercise in frustration.

Thursday, July 29, 2010 by Daniel

OHS and Fran variation

The last round of the OHS cycle, which I'm afraid I only made like 5 workouts of (out of 13):



Pretty happy with this, though - 95# has long been troublesome for me to OHS, and to knock out 15 in a row (on the first try!) felt pretty damn good. Then...

45 Thruster 95/65
45 Pull-Ups

12:40(ish) RX

Failed to write down the proper time. Focused much more on form than on pushing, and as a reward my back wasn't TOO unhappy with me afterwards, and I was only ~25% slower than my best Fran time. Did the thrusters 10-10-10-5-5-5, and the pull-ups 10-10-10-8-7. For at least one of the thruster sets, I felt like I was actually achieving some level of efficiency with them.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010 by Rebecca


Max rep pull-ups every 3 minutes on the 3rd minute for 12 minutes (5 rounds)
Max rep push-ups every 3 minutes on the 3rd minute for 12 minutes (5 rounds)
Run one mile

Pushups 16,14,13,10,8
Pullups 13,11,10,8,9
1 mile: 10:15 - new gwpc PR!

Pull push run

Max rep pull-ups
Every 3 minutes on the 3rd minute for 12 minutes (5 rounds)
Max rep push-ups
Every 3 minutes on the 3rd minute for 12 minutes (5 rounds)
Run one mile

Pull-ups: 21-13-13-10-10
Push-ups: 20-15-12-10-12
Mile: 6:18

Monday, July 26, 2010 by Rebecca

2010-07-26 - Sprint 8

Today's WOD was a team WOD involving running and deadlifts and ring dips. On the warmup run I discovered that after 2 days of double unders my knees just weren't happy about running, so I decided to abandon class and do my own thing upstairs.

Hence - another bout of Sprint 8 on the rower:

13 minutes - 1 minute warmup, 8 rounds 30 seconds sprint, 1 minute rest.

Results w/ damper @ 4:
2720 meters
avg speed/500 2:23.4
153 calories
118.7 watts

My average /500m on the sprints was 2:04
My average on the rests was 2:40 or so.

Sunday, July 25, 2010 by Rebecca


As many Double-unders as possible in 15 minutes: 162

Longest streak: 14 DU-skip-skip-DU - new PR

Sunday, July 18, 2010 by Rebecca

2010-07-18 - Sprint 8

Sprint 8 - Row
1 minute warmup - 8 intervals - 30 second sprint - 1 minute rest. Rest rate hovered around 2:50; average sprint rate 2:07; lowest achieved rate on sprint 2:04;

setting 3 (BIW)


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, July 17, 2010 by Rebecca

2010-07-17 - Deadlifts

Warmup - Run 800m
Today was we tested our Deadlift 1 RM

10 Reps 95#
Deadlift 1 rep @ 70% 1RM 95#
Deadlift 1 rep @ 80% 1RM 125#
Deadlift 1 rep @ 90% 1RM 145#
Deadlift 1 rep @ 102.5% 1RM 160# - PR
Deadlift 1 rep @ 105% 1RM 165# - PR
Deadlift 1 rep @ 107.5% 1RM 170# - got it to my knees- couldn't complete it. still a PR ;-)

Deadlift 20 reps @ 60% 1RM - 95#
Deadlift 30 reps @ 50% 1RM - 80#

Tuesday, July 13, 2010 by Rebecca


Warmup row 500m

15 OHS 15#

Shoulder Press

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, July 6, 2010 by Daniel

Benchmark Blitz

WOD 100706
Minute 0:00
Thruster 95/65
Minute 15:00 (cannot move on if DNF or scaled)
10 rounds:
5 Pull-Up
10 Push-Up
15 Squat
Minute 30:00 (cannot move on if DNF or scaled)
Deadlift 225/155
Handstand Push-Up

Minute 45:00 - limit
Post time for all three workouts plus total time (sum total of all three) to comments.

Fran 10:03rx (15 seconds over PR)
1/2 Cindy 14:53rx
Diane DNF (21 deadlifts, couldn't even get into a handstand)
I suppose it's a tribute to the mental exhaustion this caused that it didn't even occur to me to scale Diane down to piking pushups.

Friday, July 2, 2010 by Daniel

3 miles, 600 reps

Three rounds:
Run 1600 meters
50 burpees
67 kettlebell swings 1.5/1.0P
100 sit-ups
60 minute limit.

DNF. 2 rounds, 25 burpees, 45 KB swings, 60 situps. So 87 reps shy of finishing.