Saturday, March 21, 2009 by Daniel

Oh right. Metcons.

It's true that this strength cycle deprecates metcons, particularly very long (over 30 minute) ones. Still, the way this week has worked out, we haven't done anything metconnish since Sunday, which is a pretty long time to go without. So it was good to get the heart racing today and feel a bit of the old familiar sensation-of-suck.

For time:
Run 400 Meters
1.5/1.0P Kettlebell Push press, 42 reps
Run 400 Meters
1.5/1.0P Kettlebell Push press, 36 reps
Run 400 Meters
1.5/1.0P Kettlebell Push press, 30 reps
Run 400 Meters
1.5/1.0P Kettlebell Push press, 24 reps

16:34, 1.25P

I don't scale workouts much anymore, particularly the kettlebell ones. Although it felt disappointing to do this non-Rx, I feel like I made the right choice. I CAN push-press the 1.5P bell, but not well and not frequently - when we did Fight Gone Bell, the best I could do was five push-presses in a minute. Even if I'd been able to maintain that pace the entire time (dubious), I'd still be at ~30 minutes just push-pressing. It wouldn't have been much of a metcon, with all the resting that would have been required. As it was, I finished at around the same time as the other folks, and it definitely FELT like a metcon, so I'm happy.

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