Sunday, November 30, 2008 by Daniel

It's all Evelyn's fault

Apparently, Evelyn saw this WOD on the CF national site and went "ooh! , ooh!" and asked Max if we could do it. So, Ev, when and if you read this:

Not knoeing dat many numbrz, this shit was hard:

Three rounds for time of:
21 Knees to elbows
21 Kettlebell swing, 1.5 pood
21 Push-ups
18 Towel Pull-Ups
15 Box jumps, 24"
42 Supermans
Walking lunge, 150 ft

44:04, non-RX (I only did 10 towel pullups per round)
Splits were 13:34 | 15:59 | 14:36

Actually, it wasn't all THAT bad. It was just long, and a lot of volume. The only things that really killed my time were the KTE's, which I basically did in sets of 5, and the towel pull-ups, which I did in sets of...2. (This is why I only did 10 per round. 18 and my time would've been an hour.) Everything else was in large chunks, if not unbroken.


Jenn said...

Hehe, I saw that one on the main site and decided I was doing something else that day....

Ev said...

That is really funny. I initally posted a "what's all the whining about?" comment. Let me correct that. I did rope climbs. KTE in conjunction w/ towel pull-ups (63 of each) is cruel and unusual punishment. I do apologize. With that said, you rocked it. Remember, if it doesn't kill you...
And, well, it has not killed you...yet. Mwah ha ha ha.

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