Monday, February 15, 2010 by Daniel

Oly cycle week 6 day 1

Warmup: 2 rounds of 10 wall squats & 1:20 minute active squat holds. Burgener warmup.

Snatch x 3: 75-80-85
Clean and Jerk x 1: 100-105-110-115-120

Front squat x 5: 120-120-120
Press x 5: 100(4)-100(4)-100(4)

Flex: none. Bad.

I switched to casual sets of 3 on the snatches, since I've found the upper limit of what I can do before riding it down, and I figure I can hang out there and work on catching lower, which I believe has to do with maintaining core tension, keeping my back upright and really reaching the arms.

Still had some bad forward jumps on the cleans, but some of them surprised me in how different they felt.

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