Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max Rep Push-Ups
4 rounds, 59 pushups
Round | 400m | Pushup |
1 | 2:12 | 18 (2:07) |
2 | 2:31 | 13 (1:42) |
3 | 2:37 | 14 (2:30) |
4 | 2:43 | 14 (2:51) |
This workout was 100% Rx. All pushups were full ROM, and I ran all of every run - so technically I managed to run a whole mile without stopping ;-)
I think I probably could have gone faster on my runs, but i really wanted to give my arms as much of a chance to recover as I could, so I didn't push as hard as I could have. The first time was not my best 400 time, but it was among probably the top 5 or so, and they all felt pretty strong actually. I was a lot more concerned with trying to figure out a way of running that would let my arms recover as much as possible.
I could not find an effective pushup stance that would let me rest after getting started, which is why my pushup count is low. I could pretty consistently get to about 11 or 12 pushups, and then I could 'rest' in downward dog (DD) exactly once and not for very long before my shoulders started screaming at me, and maybe push out 1-3 more, and that was it. Daniel said that he was able to rest in DD easily and at length. I am sure that if i could have found a 'rest' position that actually allowed me to rest, i could have done more. Maybe I need to practice holding DD.
That said, however, i still feel really good about my performance on this WOD.
18 pushups in one set is awesome, Rebecca! When you're resting in the DD position, try bending your knees a little - I've found that helps take some of the pressure off my shoulders.
-- Jenn
Thanks Jenn! Thanks for the DD tip. Someday soon, I'll make it to 20!
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