Friday, October 31, 2008 by Rebecca

Pushup Nicole

Warm up: Mobility Exercises, KB drills: snatch, front squat, OHS, 25m walking lunges, run/walk 400m, all while holding a KB (8kg)

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max Rep Push-Ups

4 rounds, 59 pushups

18 (2:07)
13 (1:42)
14 (2:30)
14 (2:51)

This workout was 100% Rx. All pushups were full ROM, and I ran all of every run - so technically I managed to run a whole mile without stopping ;-)

I think I probably could have gone faster on my runs, but i really wanted to give my arms as much of a chance to recover as I could, so I didn't push as hard as I could have. The first time was not my best 400 time, but it was among probably the top 5 or so, and they all felt pretty strong actually. I was a lot more concerned with trying to figure out a way of running that would let my arms recover as much as possible.

I could not find an effective pushup stance that would let me rest after getting started, which is why my pushup count is low. I could pretty consistently get to about 11 or 12 pushups, and then I could 'rest' in downward dog (DD) exactly once and not for very long before my shoulders started screaming at me, and maybe push out 1-3 more, and that was it. Daniel said that he was able to rest in DD easily and at length. I am sure that if i could have found a 'rest' position that actually allowed me to rest, i could have done more. Maybe I need to practice holding DD.

That said, however, i still feel really good about my performance on this WOD.


Jenn said...

18 pushups in one set is awesome, Rebecca! When you're resting in the DD position, try bending your knees a little - I've found that helps take some of the pressure off my shoulders.

-- Jenn

Rebecca said...

Thanks Jenn! Thanks for the DD tip. Someday soon, I'll make it to 20!

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