Sunday, October 9, 2011 by Rebecca


For Time:
3 Barbell Ground To Overheads
3 Pull-Ups
6 Barbell Ground To Overheads
6 Pull-Ups
9 Barbell Ground To Overheads
9 Pull-Ups
12 Barbell Ground To Overheads
12 Pull-Ups
9 Barbell Ground To Overheads
9 Pull-Ups
6 Barbell Ground To Overheads
6 Pull-Ups
3 Barbell Ground To Overheads
3 Pull-Ups

13:43 (? Don't remember for sure - it was slow)

I used a 25# barbell to do c&j, and I did ring rows, and I really focused on form - trying to keep my knees out and my weight centered on every rep. I did pretty well until the end of the workout when I just wanted to be finished, and (as Daniel said)strted doing one-legged cleans.

I had to jog the stroller to class because Elliot ate longer than I thought he would and I was late. It was the first time since sometime relatively early in my pregnancy that I'd done any running at all. It didn't feel too bad. Not great, but not too bad.

I actually managed a couple hollow rocks in the warmup today. My squats are still a work in progress. David suggested I use the theraband to help me keep my knees out.

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