Monday, May 10, 2010 by Rebecca


Warmup - run 800m

As many rounds as needed to complete 55 reps of each exercise:

Max rep in one minute hang clean 115/75
Max rep in one minute push-jerk 115/75
Max rep in one minute front squat 115/75

30 minute limit.



Used 45# and subbed 2 x Deadlifts for the squats because my right hip and knee were feeling tweaky and unhappy. I probably should have used at least 50, but even at 45# it was a really good workout - less like torture and more like fun.

i tried to keep my form pretty strict; I really worked on fast scarecrow elbows on the cleans, and Daniel said my jerks looked really good and crisp. The jerks were definitely the limiting factor, even at only 45#. Although they weren't so limiting that I failed to get all 13 that I needed in my last round. (further proof that I probably should have gone heavier)

I had the interval timer on my watch set to go off at 45 seconds and a minute so i always knew when i had 15 seconds left.    For most rounds, i used that 15 seconds as a rest period - i think it helped me to maintain a steady pace.

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