Friday, August 21, 2009 by Rebecca

Fight gone ladder


Choose one of the following movements:

Row for calories (sub Kettlebell SDHP 55#)
Wall-Ball 20/14 (sub Thruster 45#/30#)
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull 55#/75#
Box Jump 24"/20"
Push-Press 55#/75#

With a continuously running clock do one rep (or calorie) the first minute, two reps (or calories) the second minute, three reps (or calories) the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

I decided I really needed to work on my wallball, but there was only one 14# wallball, so I subbed 2 15# dumbells and did thrusters instead.

The first ladder round, I made it through round 10. barely - I finished rep # 10 at about 55 seconds.

The second ladder, i thought I might try push-press, but the thrusters had kind killed my CNS, and just holding the bar felt hard - and my legs were shaking. But I wasn't quite ready to sit the round out, so I went back and did more thrusters (not really sure what possessed me). I did 12 more rounds - starting from 1 rep/1 round, but I did them on my own schedule. if i didn't finish in a minute, that was ok. I generally was able to get between 6 and 8 reps in a minute.

It was a total of 133 thrusters, and my quads have not forgiven me since.

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