Wednesday, July 22, 2009 by Rebecca

Polly's Birthday Wod - 50% volume

WOD - only did 50% volume:
1x2400m run
2x12 c2b pull ups
3x8 2pd kettle bell swings
4x6 HSPU *subbed feet up on a box
6x4 reverse burpee *subbed regular burpees
8x3 Kettle bell snatch *used 8kg bell
12 x 2 muscle up *
24 x 100 meter sprint

Results and scaling:

12oom run
12 kip attempts - got 1 or 2 real pullups
12 kb swings - don't remember which bell - 1 or 1.25P (probably 1)
12 HSPU - with feet on a tall box - these felt better than they have in the recent past
12 regular burpees
12 KB snatch - 8kg
12 C2B jumping pull-ups - low box - chest touched bar on every rep, or it didn't count.
1200m run

I had come to class prepared to do Cindy. I had bad shoes for all the running that was supposed to be in this workout. I decided to do 50%. at 50% this actually felt like a really good - not horribly brutal workout.

I started using an alternate grip for my pullups - both the kip attempts and the jumping C2B pullups, and it seems to really help. The jumping C2B were something of a revelation. I used a low enough box that it really had to work to pull the last few inches, and these felt closer to real pullups than subs I've done in the past. I ran out of them pretty quickly and I had to stop and wait a bunch for the muscles to recuperate enough to get the next rep, so I know I was working hard.

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