Thursday, May 7, 2009 by Rebecca

Strength - apparently I actually still have some!

Warmup: some air squats, 30 situps, hip openers, some OHS squat w/dowel, iguana stretches

WOD (same numbers as last week, because last week was an absolute, abortive disaster - and I didn't even have daniel's excuse of being sick - I just hadn't eaten anything):

Back Squat:
55-65-75 - fail rep 5 - NEARLY had it. Made the mistake of trying to breathe on the way up, and lost all core stability. I was almost half way up when i lost it. Grrrr.

21 x 60# - got it! Next week 62.
I was having a really hard time catching my breath on these. That was, in fact my limiting factor. I knew from my failure on the 75, that I had to hold my breath all the way down and up in order to make it through the reps, and so I had to pant at the top of each rep to make sure I had enough breath to make it all the way through the rep. Knowing that I wasn't allowed to breathe until I got back up made a great motivator to get down and up quickly ;-)

Bench Press:
50-62-72 failed rep 3 - the first 2 reps were hard but felt doable. apparently I let the bar dip (arms not perpendicular to the floor) on rep 3 and totally failed. I tried again and couldn't get any. Next week should probably be 5 x 3

21 x 55# (15-6) The first 12 reps were great - and then my right arm just couldn't keep straightening - I only made it three more reps and stopped - I didn't fail, I stopped. When my right side starts failing so significantly like that it makes me angry and sad, and it screws with my concentration. After about 20 seconds I finished out the last 6 reps. They were so easy, I know I waited more than enough(too much) time to finish the set.

I feel like I've lost a bit of my ability to keep pushing through discomfort. Though I feel like I've been really aware of that for the past couple workouts, so hopefully, it won't take too long to get back into the swing of things.

Still - it feels good to be getting back into the swing of things.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Hey Rebecca! Thanks for that link! I am definitely going to work on those. What a great checklist:).

I'm sorry you seem to be in a bit of a slump too... I think it's going around:).

Glad you're back at it! I've missed checking out yours & Daniel's posts.

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