Thursday, May 7, 2009 by Daniel

Strength Cycle Week 8, part 1, redux

I'm feeling much better the past couple days, as all the hullabaloo of the past couple weeks fades and I can settle back into my regular routine. After last week's debacle of a workout, I was a little nervous about trying again today, but once I started squatting and feeling strong, the nervousness faded.

Back Squat x 5: 135 - 160 - 185(pr)
Back Squat x 21: 140
Bench Press x 5: 115 - 140 - 160F/3
Bench Press x 21: 120F (17-3-1)

The 185 was surprising OK. I mean, it was heavy, but the weight went down and then it went up, and I never felt like it might fail. 140x21 was agony.

I appear to have backslid on the bench, which isn't really surprising, I guess, since I've done very little to work those muscles in two weeks.

Now that the weights have gotten heavy enough to start failing, I'm considering scaling back on the Intermittent Fasting for the next few weeks. I'm torn about this, as I don't like the extra weight I've already gained, but I do want to get the most out of this strength routine. Maybe I should wait another week and see how I fare at the bench.

Next week: 190/145 (omg), 160/120

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Great stuff with the back squat PR. I also found that my bench press hasn't progressed as much as I'd like, though I guess I could blame my elbow injury.

How much weight have you gained?

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