Friday, November 21, 2008 by Daniel

Double-unders, bitches!

Oh, yes. We're going there.

Given that up until now I have NEVER really successfully managed a double-under, I figured this class would essentially be practice. BUT, I FIGURED THE BASTARDS OUT. Well, sort of.

With a continuously running clock do one Double-Under the first minute, two Double-Unders the second minute, three Double-Unders the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

10 rounds + a bunch of practice

Using the "jump-jump-DOUBLE-UNDER" method, I eventually was able to keep the pattern going to get multiple reps in on one run. After making it to round 10, I stopped paying attention to the numbers, and just focused on practice: keeping the rope under control, staying upright, and TRYING to get more than one double-under consecutively. I managed to do this ONCE. Which was AWESOME.


Ev said...

WOO HOO! WOOOOOOO HOOOO!!! I'm at my desk jumping up and down for your conquering of the double-unders (no tuck jumps; way too sore). Friggin awesome!

Melissa Urban said...

Yay! Nice work! There's something about that "whoosh-WHOOSH" that I find SO satisfying. Just keep practicing, and remember to turn the rope FAST.

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