Wednesday, September 24, 2008 by Daniel

Karen Gone...kinda Bad

Well, like it or not (I don't.) it looks like I'm in a recovery week. In his long-running quest to make Crossfoie Gras by shoving Fight Gone Bad down our throats until we die, Max lobbed us a relatively easy one today: Karen Gone Bad.

*17 hour fast*

Choose ONE of the following exercises and perform 150 reps for time:

Row (one calorie = one rep)
Wall-Ball 20#/14# (AKA "Karen")
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75#/55#
Box Jump 20"
Push-Press 75#/55#

100 Push-Press 75#, 16:20

I chose Push-Press, because A) I suck at it, and 2) It's one of the least ankle-intensive movements of the bunch. Still, I had a hard time getting a good drive from the legs, and wound up compensating with the shoulders and arms, making it harder. Plus, I suck at it. My ankle was starting to feel sore, so I called it a day at 100, and left feeling dissatisfied. Yeah, it was hard, but it wasn't CROSSFIT hard. This is why I'm terrible about doing 50% recovery weeks - I just feel like I'm treading water. Which is really the point, in this case - my body should be concentrating on repairing my ankle, not repairing torn muscle tissue, and I should be focusing on just doing enough to keep my body in the game so I can re-enter the game at 100% when I'm ready without killing myself like I did with that Murph after vacation.

...doesn't mean I have to like it.

1 comment:

MBL100 said...

50% volume weeks can be interesting if you are creative. Try "Linda" scaled to .5 weight in 6 minutes. You won't feel cheated, but you won't tear into your recovery capacity either.

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