Monday, March 22, 2010 by Rebecca

2010-03-22 oly # ?

Finally! A day at the gym that did not feel like a total waste of time.

1000m Row 4:26

Wall squats - much improved! I can now squat holding a dowel over my head standing 6-8 inches away from the wall. a big improvement.

I can stay far more upright squatting holding a dowel behind my head with my elbows (hands behind my head) too. that position used to make me look straight down at the floor.

3 x 5 Hang snatches
25-35-40x2-35 (I tried a couple reps of the last set at 40, but could not snatch it without pressing out the last 6 inches or so, so I went back down.)

Daniel held a dowel out and set it to the level i was catching the bar at (because i was tending to catch it crooked) - acting as my 'spirit level as it were. That really helped me get a better sense of where straight was.

3 x 5 OHS

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