Thursday, October 1, 2009 by Rebecca

Running & Bench ladder

Run 2 miles.

20 minutes after the beginning of the run, entire group relay bench presses two reps each, starting at 45 pounds and continuing in 10 pound jumps until failure, in reverse order of first to last on the run (slowest runner goes first). After all who are able have lifted a given weight, those remaining add 10 pounds. Bench Press continues until strongest athlete fails. There is no rest between lifts, except as needed, momentarily, to increase the weight.

1 mile: 11:13


I had thought I'd be able to pull off at least 1.5 miles - I felt pretty good going into this workout, but about 2/3 of the way through the first miles, a good Beastie Boys song came on - Sabotage maybe? - and got me going a little faster than my measured pace, and I totally burned out. I had to take my headphones off entirely, and I was just relieved to make it all the way through the mile. No more music when running. It messes with my rhythm (ironically?). Although, looking through my recent mile times - and even my mot so recent mile times - this is actually a pretty decent time for me. That's gratifying.

I really liked the relay with the deadlifts. I liked it a lot less with the bench press. Mostly because it's not a lift I am good at, and my max lift is not that far above 45#, so I was out after 2 cycles - Max jumped from 45# to 65# to try to speed things up a bit, and I did not have a chance to 'warm up' to a max lift. My first few reps of the Bench are ALWAYS awkward and strange - even when I was doing it every week - my arms just have no muscle memory for this lift.

When we did the DL relay, we started with 95# and even in 10# increments, that was enough to let me really warm up to my max rep weights. This time I got a 'warm up set at 45 (with crookedly placed hands), a decent set at 65, and I failed at 75# - I didn't even get one rep, but I was having a really hard time figuring out where to put my hands, and it just felt like they were way too wide on that attempt.

This was not a particularly satisfying workout.

Food Log:
3b breakfast:
2 eggs (2p) & 1 piece turkey bacon (1p) wrapped in a wheat tortilla/wrap (3C) the fat was in the butter the eggs were cooked in (and the eggs)
2b snack:
1/2c cottage cheese (2p) 3/4c apple sauce(2c) slivered almonds(2f)
3b lunch:
3 oz chicken(3p) yams & broccoli(3c) gravy & slivered almonds (3f)
3b dinner:
2oz chicken(2p) 1oz cheese(1p) wheat tortilla/wrap (3C)cooked in coconut oil(3f)

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